Thursday, October 7, 2010

Going Coastal

It's already over a month into the first semester of University, and it feels like my two weeks in Vancouver at the end of August was a faint part of my past. I was there, however, and managed to conquer my fear of heights, debut as an assistant wedding photographer, break into an alpaca farm, and escape death by the Ogopogo. Oh yeah, and haul a couch onto the side of a mountain, just the uge. Definitely a good dose of adventure. I also saw a couple of my very dear friends in Vancouver, and had a chance to hang out with family in Kelowna. I miss you, west coast.

The Chief from our dashboard. This picture does not do this glorious mountain justice.

I had to lie to myself about how high I was to actually reach the top. I didn't look down once.

Don't be fooled, these are dangerous animals.

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