Thursday, July 8, 2010


I love craigslist. Rather last minute I found myself a cheap Winnipeg Folk Festival ticket, and so I took a blanket and went on over to Birds Hill last night for a very, very good time. I haven't been to Folk Fest in a couple years, and I very regrettably missed Cornerstone this year, so an evening surrounded by interesting people and great music was the perfect prescription. Aside from the five minute long torrential downpour that completely soaked everyone, I'd say the evening was a success. I saw Emmylou Harris, which was a dose of my childhood and still a favorite of my mom's, and then of course the highlight of the night - the reggae legend, Jimmy fricken Cliff! It was downright fantastic. Jimmy and his band were on fire, such an invigorating live performance. I think it's going to enter my unofficial top five shows list, in fact. Unfortunately, forgetful as I am, I didn't bring a camera. So, here for your viewing "pleasure", are some noisy pixely images from my trusty blackberry.

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